CareGame featured as one of the most innovative cloud gaming companies in the latest Newzoo report

April 7, 2022
Newzoo: Cloud Gaming's 21.7 Million Paying Users Helped the Market Generate $1.5 Billion in 2021; These Yearly Revenues Will Quadruple in 2024

Newzoo has just launched a huge update for their Global Cloud Gaming Report subscribers. This article will present some high-level data and insights from that update.

Cloud gaming has reached an inflection point. The tech has proven itself viable, paving the way for the market to enter a new stage of adoption and growth. Newzoo estimates that 21.7 million paying users of cloud gaming services spent $1.5 billion on cloud gaming services in 2021. The future is even brighter. In 2024, paying users will almost triple (to 58.6 million) while revenues will quadruple (skyrocketing to $6.3 billion).

The Cloud Gaming Ecosystem Is Bigger and Healthier than Ever

The Cloud Gaming Ecosystem is now more robust and healthier than ever. Publishers big and small—and across multiple platforms—are now part of the scene, while others are looking to get involved. The cloud gaming ecosystem diagram below shows the wide range of services currently available in the market, covering a variety of business models and offerings:

Cloud Gaming Ecosystem Diagram - Newzoo's Global Cloud Gaming Report
Ongoing Cloud Gaming Trends Are Shaking Up the Ecosystem

Via partnerships with local telcos, cloud gaming services now operate in growth markets across Southeast Asia and Latin America. These maturing games markets will continue to grow alongside cloud gaming, forming bonds that will pay off for cloud gaming's long-term future. (...)

During the pandemic period, many cloud gaming value propositions have emerged or become more visible. To name just a few, cloud gaming's use cases for gamers include:

• Experiencing high-end and supply-constrained gaming hardware for a fraction of the cost.
• Playing demo games in a subscription service before downloading them.
• Minimizing the download sizes of high-fidelity mobile games, saving precious storage space.

Newzoo Interviews with Cloud Gaming Companies Revealed Exciting Insights & Underline Why Cloud Gaming Is So Important

In their new update, Newzoo interviewed three companies—CareGame, Boosteroid, and Utomik. One throughline throughout all the interviews was cloud gaming's biggest use case: accessibility and convenience.

CareGame’s Co-Founder and President, Benjamin Athuil said, we want to give all mobile gamers access to the games they love—regardless of their smartphone, connection, or their budget. No one should be left behind. Gaming should not be reserved for the privileged. That’s our mission.’’

Boosteroid's CEO, Ivan Shvaichenko, echoed this use case while also delving into some hospitality-based cloud gaming use cases - while Ricardo Scaini, Marketing Manager at Utomik, highlighted that cloud gaming's expanded reach is directly beneficial for game companies.
The full interviews show key insights into each company's strategy, their expectations for the future of cloud gaming, what the future holds for them, and how they have overcome key obstacles. (...)

Despite some early challenges and obstacles, the market's future remains almost unanimously positive, Newzoo concludes. Put simply, cloud gaming's future is bright and is pivotal to the market as a whole.

Learn more about Newzoo's Global Cloud Gaming Report:

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